Still negotiating in the North
No agreement has yet been reached between the government and the staff working within the Cree and Kativik school boards (SB) as part of the negotiation for the renewal of collective agreements. [...]
The AENQ is a union and its members are the teachers and the support staff employees of the Cree and Kativik school boards, employees from Cree Childcare and family centers as well as teachers of two Atikamekw band council schools. Its more than 1,600 members work in the nine James Bay Cree communities and the fourteen Inuit communities of Nunavik, as well as in Montreal, Gatineau, Saint-JĂ©rĂ´me, Opitciwan and Wemotaci. The territory that the AENQ covers has five languages: Inuktitut, Cree, Atikamekw, English and French.
The aims of the Association are the defence and the promotion of the professional, economic and social interests of its members, the negotiation and the application of the collective agreements, all this taking into account the characteristics of Aboriginal contexts, including the ones arising from the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. In order to attain these aims, the AENQ is affiliated to the Centrale des syndicats du QuĂ©bec (CSQ) and is represented at the FĂ©dĂ©ration des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE), the FĂ©dĂ©ration du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS) and the FĂ©dĂ©ration des intervenantes en petite enfance du QuĂ©bec (FIPEQ).
Turning fifty is no small feat. Yet, the AENQ has just reached this venerable age. As a union organization, it can’t be overstated, the AENQ is one of a kind. From the composition of its members and the specificities of their employers, the territory it covers, its legal framework, and I could go on, the AENQ is unique and stands out from all other trade union organizations in Quebec.
Affiliated to the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) since its inception, the AENQ is also affiliated with three CSQ federations: the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE), the Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS) and the Fédération des intervenants en petite enfance du Québec (FIPEQ).
The Association of Employees of Northern Quebec has changed names over the years; its present name better reflects its actual reality. In the early days, it was called the Northern Quebec Teachers’ Association and, not so long ago, it went under the name of Northern Quebec Teaching Association. The word “teaching” was no longer fitting since the AENQ welcomed members from early childhood centres into its ranks, hence the need to change its name.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the AENQ. We have reasons to be proud because we have been able to adapt to realities as they have evolved and we will continue to do so to better serve our members. Current times asks us to face major challenges; we fight at all levels to obtain the best working conditions for our members of the teaching and school support staff. It is crucial that we continue to rally around quality education.
We can never stress this enough: a union is only as strong as the mobilizing commitment of its members. Despite the many challenges we are facing, let’s all take a moment’s rest to celebrate this significant milestone.
As President, allow me to wish AENQ a long life!
To come !
Back to the 2023 Congress in photos!
Executive Committee
AKULIVIK – Tukisiniarvik School
Delegate: Chris Bewley
Assistant Delegate: Mihai Babau
PO Box 80, J0M 1V0
Centre Directors : Ikey Trudy & Alain Mercier
Phone: 819 496-2021
School Principal: Maggie Cruikshank @ maggie.cruikshank@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819 496-2711
Fax: 819 496-2611
AUPALUK – Tarsakallak School
Delegate: Lizzie Annahatak
PO Box 30, J0M 1X0
Centre Director: Annie Thomassiah
Phone:819 491-7081
School Principal: Elom Yawo Akpo @ yawoelom.akpo@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Nuna Akpahatak
Phone: 819 491-7072
Fax: 819 491-7082
Innalik School
Delegate: RĂ©mi Guitard
Assistant Delegate: Syra Qinuajuak
PO Box 287, J0M 1M0
Centre Director: Pamela Epoo
School Principal: Kimberley Powell @ kimberley.powell@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819 254-8213
Fax: 819 254-8953
Uquutaq School
Delegate: Ahmed Belhamidèche (interim)
PO Box 287, J0M 1M0
Centre Director: Vacant
School Principal: Roy Sparks @ roy.sparks@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Oleepeka Metuq
Phone: 819 254-1444
Fax: 819Â 254-1444
IVUJIVIK – Nuvviti School
Delegate: Élisapie Lamoureux
Assistant Delegate: Frederic Kamika
PO Box 60, J0M 1H0
School Principal: Sylvie Roussy @ sylvie.roussy@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819 922-9918
Fax: 819 922-3112
Delegate: Roland Bouchard
PO Box 90, J0M 1N0
Centre Director: Nikita Etok
Phone: 819 337-5357
School Principal: Mark Brazeau @ mark.brazeau@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 337-5250 – Fax: 819 337-5354
School Vice-Principal: Nancy Etok
Phone: 819 337-5346 or 819 337-5250
KANGIQSUJUAQ – Arsaniq School
Delegate: Charlène Boucher
Assistant Delegate: Catherine Dufour-Brassard
PO Box 160, J0M 1K0
Centre Director: Sarah Alaku
Phone: 819 338-3332
School Principal: Nickos Scopis @ nickos.scopis@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 338-3293
Fax: 819 338-3369
KANGIRSUK – Sautjuit School
Delegate:Â Joseph Vetickal
Assistant Delegate: Christopher Duffin
PO Box 120, J0M 1A0
Centre Director: Alec Kudluk
Phone: 819 935-4369
School Principal: Winnie Grey @ winnie.grey@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 935-4318
Fax: 819 935-4223
Jaanimmarik High School
Delegates: Nicolas Gauthier & Julie Brisson
PO Box 150, J0M 1C0
Centre Director: Joseph Snowball
Phone: 819 964-2912
School Principal: Gary Koiter @ garry.koiter@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principals: Willis Tagoona& Nicholas Ramsay
Phone: 819 964-2913
Fax: 819 964-2818
Pitakallak Elementary School
Delegate: Ayaana Berthe
PO Box 150, J0M 1C0
Centre Director: Elizabeth Saunders
Phone: 819 964-2979
School Principal: Nancy Cain @ nancy.cain@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Nathalie Collin @ nathalie.collin@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 964-2654
Fax: 819 964-2047
Asimauttaq School
Delegate: Carol Chassé
Assistant Delegate: Georges Mensink
PO Box 60, J0M 1G0
Centre Director: Rhoda Cookie
Phone: 819 929-3409
School Principal: Catherine Panagakos @ catherine.panagakos@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Winnie Mickeyook
Phone: 819 929-3331
Fax: 819 929-3332
Iguarsivik High School
Delegate: Dillon Collett
PO Box 500, J0M 1P0
Centre Director: Lizzie T. Kenuajuak
Phone: 819 988-2960
School Principal: Daniel Therrien @ daniel.therrien@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Lisi Alasuak
Phone: 819 988-2961
Fax: 819 988-2090
Ikaarvik Elementary School
Delegate: Agnès Laliberté
PO Box 400, J0M 1P0
Centre Director: Annie Alasuak Tullaugak
Phone: 819 988-2344 ou 2245
School Principal: Lucy Qalingo-Angutigirk @ lucy.qalingo@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Lizzie S. Kenuajuak
Phone: 819 988-2686 or 2113
Fax: 819 988-2223
QUAQTAQ – Isummasaqvik School
Delegate: Karime Kamagate
Assistante Delegate: Elisabeth Nassak
PO Box 108, J0M 1J0
Centre Director: Tommy Annatok
Phone: 819 492-9955
School Principal: Mae Tukkiapik @ mae.tukkiapik@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819Â 492-9948
Fax: 819Â 492-9971
Ikusik School
Delegate: Paul Bolduc
PO Box 210, J0M 1S0
Centre Director: Charlie Tarkirk
Phone: 819 255-9908
School Principal: Vanessa Ste-Marie @ vanessa.ste-marie@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Emalla Amaamatuak
Phone: 819Â 255-9914
Fax: 819Â 255-8117
Pigiurvik School
Delegate: Gabrielle Tremblay
PO Box 210, J0M 1S0
Centre Director: Maggie Ittuvik Saviadjuk
Phone: 819 255-8931
School Principal: Quppia Mary Kaitak @ quppia.kaitak@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Francis GĂ©rard
Phone: 819 255-8827 or 8525
Fax: 819Â 255-8909
Adult Education Center
Regional Delegate: Zenaida Vrabie
Centre Director: Darrell Atagotaaluk
Phone: 819 855-9365
TASIUJAQ – Ajagutak School
Delegate: SaĂŻd Khirani
PO Box 27, J0M 1T0
Centre Director: Martha Amidlak Berthe
Phone: 819 633-9955
School Principal: Frances Agro @ frances.agro@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Janice Cain
Phone: 819 633-5152
Fax: 819Â 633-5020
UMIUJAQ – Kiluutaq School
Delegate: Armelle Kodjo
PO Box 98, J0M 1Y0
Centre Director: Paul Anowak
Phone: 819 331-7061 ou 7245
Fax: 819-331-7025
School Principal: Matthew Bryan @ matthew.bryan@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Sarah Anowak Stone
Phone: 819 331-7060
SAINT-JÉRÔME (Carceral Institution)
General Education, Inuit class
Delegate: Christopher Mount
2 de la Salette Blvd., PO Box 513, J7Y 5G5
Phone: 450-436-8144 #506
AKULIVIK – Tukisiniarvik School
PO Box 80, J0M 1V0
Centre Directors: Ikey Trudy & Alain Mercier
Phone: 819 496-2021
School Principal: Maggie Cruikshank @ maggie.cruikshank@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819 496-2711
Fax: 819 496-2611
AUPALUK – Tarsakallak School
PO Box 30, J0M 1X0
Centre Director: Annie Thomassiah
Phone:819 491-7081
School Principal: Elom Yawo Akpo @ yawoelom.akpo@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Nuna Akpahatak
Phone: 819 491-7072
Fax: 819 491-7082
Innalik School
PO Box 287, J0M 1M0
Centre Director: Pamela Epoo
School Principal: Kimberley Powell @ kimberley.powell@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819 254-8213
Fax: 819 254-8953
Uquutaq School
Delegate: Aftab Khan
PO Box 287, J0M 1M0
School Director: Vacant
School Principal: Roy Sparks @ roy.sparks@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Oleepeka Metuq
Phone: 819 254-1444
Fax: 819Â 254-1444
Nunavimmi Pigiursavik (CFP/VTC)
Delegate: Mary Naqtairaluk
PO Box 326, J0M 1M0
Center Director: Sarah-Lisa Kasudluak @ SarahLisa.Kasudluak@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 254-8486
Fax: 819 254-8595
IVUJIVIK – Nuvviti School
Delegate: Derrick Webb
PO Box 60, J0M 1H0
School Principal: Sylvie Roussy @ sylvie.roussy@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819 922-9918
Fax: 819 922-3112
Delegate: Gary Thibault
PO Box 90, J0M 1N0
Centre Director: Nikita Etok
Phone: 819 337-5357
School Principal: Mark Brazeau @ mark.brazeau@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 337-5250 – Fax: 819 337-5354
School Vice-Principal: Nancy Etok
Phone: 819 337-5346 or 819 337-5250
KANGIQSUJUAQ – Arsaniq School
Delegate:Â Sylvie Turcotte
PO Box 160, J0M 1K0
Centre Director: Sarah Alaku
Phone: 819 338-3332
School Principal: Nickos Scopis @ nickos.scopis@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 338-3293
Fax: 819 338-3369
KANGIRSUK – Sautjuit School
PO Box 120, J0M 1A0
Centre Director: Alec Kudluk
Phone: 819 935-4369
School Principal: Winnie Grey @ winnie.grey@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 935-4318
Fax: 819 935-4223
Jaanimmarik High School
PO Box 150, J0M 1C0
Centre Director: Joseph Snowball
Phone: 819 964-2912
School Principal: Gary Koiter @ garry.koiter@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principals: Willis Tagoona& Nicholas Ramsay
Phone: 819 964-2913
Fax: 819 964-2818
Pitakallak Elementary School
PO Box 150, J0M 1C0
Centre Director: Elizabeth Saunders
Phone: 819 964-2979
School Principal: Nancy Cain @ nancy.cain@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Nathalie Collin @ nathalie.collin@kativik.qc.ca
Phone: 819 964-2654
Fax: 819 964-2047
Kajusivik (AdEd)
PO Box 309, J0M 1C0
Centre Director: Gary Koiter
Phone: 819 964-2750
Fax: 819 964-2745
Educational Services
PO Box 150 J0M 1C0
Centre Director: Etua Snowball
Phone: 819 964-1136 or 877 964-1136
Fax: 819 964-1141
Delegate: Donald Watt
Director: Yvan Avramtchev
Phone: 819 964-2455
Fax: 819 964-2751
Asimauttaq School
Delegate: Silas Cookie-Comptois
PO Box 60, J0M 1G0
Centre Director: Rhoda Cookie
Phone: 819 929-3409
School Principal: Catherine Panagakos @ catherine.panagakos@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Winnie Mickeyook
Phone: 819 929-3331
Fax: 819 929-3332
Adult Education Learning Center
PO Box 30, J0M 1G0
Phone: 819 929-3284
Fax: 819 929-3522
Iguarsivik High School
Delegate: Leah T Koperqualuk
PO Box 500, J0M 1P0
Centre Director: Lizzie T. Kenuajuak
Phone: 819 988-2960
School Principal: Daniel Therrien @ daniel.therrien@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Lisi Alasuak
Phone: 819 988-2961
Fax: 819 988-2090
Ikaarvik Elementary School
PO Box 400, J0M 1P0
Centre Director: Annie Alasuak Tullaugak
Phone: 819 988-2344 ou 2245
School Principal: Lucy Qalingo-Angutigirk @ lucy.qalingo@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Lizzie S. Kenuajuak
Phone: 819 988-2686 or 2113
Fax: 819 988-2223
Adult Education Learning Center
PO Box 299, J0M 1P0
Teacher: Jeanne Lebel
Phone: 819 988-2269
Fax: 819 988-2204
Supervisor: Luc Denault
Phone: 819 988-2553
Fax: 819 988-2541
Isummasaqvik School
PO Box 108, J0M 1J0
Centre Director: Tommy Annatok
Phone: 819 492-9955
School Principal: Mae Tukkiapik @ mae.tukkiapik@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 819Â 492-9948
Fax: 819Â 492-9971
Ikusik High School
PO Box 210, J0M 1S0
Centre Director: Charlie Tarkirk
Phone: 819 255-9908
School Principal: Vanessa Ste-Marie @ vanessa.ste-marie@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Emalla Amaamatuak
Phone: 819Â 255-9914
Fax: 819Â 255-8117
Pigiurvik Elementary School
PO Box 210, J0M 1S0
Centre Director: Maggie Ittuvik Saviadjuk
Phone: 819 255-8931
School Principal: Quppia Mary Kaitak @ quppia.kaitak@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal : Francis Gérard
Phone: 819 255-8827 or 8525
Fax: 819Â 255-8909
QUAUNAQ – AdEducation
PO Box 69, J0M 1S0
Centre Director: Darrell Atagotaaluk
Phone: 819 855-9365
TASIUJAQ – Ajagutak School
PO Box 27, J0M 1T0
Centre Director: Martha Amidlak Berthe
Phone: 819 633-9955
School Principal: Frances Agro @ frances.agro@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Janice Cain
Phone: 819 633-5152
Fax: 819Â 633-5020
UMIUJAQ – Kiluutaq School
Delegate: Randy Amagoalik
PO Box 98, J0M 1Y0
Centre Director: Paul Anowak
Phone: 819 331-7061 or 7245
Fax: 819-331-7025
School Principal: Matthew Bryan @ matthew.bryan@kativik.qc.ca
School Vice-Principal: Sarah Anowak Stone
Phone: 819 331-7060
9641 CĂ´te de Liesse, Dorval, H9P 1A3
Supervisor: Robert Menarik @ robertm@kativik.qc.ca
Fax: 514 633-8650
Phone (transport) : 514 631-4593
Phone (warehouse) : 514 633-8678
Phone (printing house) : 514 631-3174
Head Office
Delegate: Tracey Fisher
9800 Cavendish Blvd., suite 400, St-Laurent, H4M 2V9
Phone: 514Â 482-8220
Voyageur Memorial Elementary School
Delegate: Marion Westgate
227 Amisk, G0W 1C0
Community Education Administrator: Alice Petawabano
Fax: 418 923-3302
Directrice: Ashley Mann-MacPherson @ amann@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2039 poste 1331 (salle des profs x350)
Directrices adjointes : Alana Norquay @ anorquay@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2039 poste 1413
Fax: 418 923-3959
Jacqueline Queen@ jqueen@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2039 poste 1413
Voyageur Memorial High School
Delegate: Matthew Dixon
Assistant Delegate: Louis-Joseph Longo
232 Mistissini, G0W 1C0
School Principal: Betty-Ann Forward @ baforward@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-3485 #1312
Fax: 418 923-3302
School Vice-Principal: Joanie Laplante @ joanie.laplante@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-3485 #1306
Fax: 418 923-3485
Sabtuan Adult Education
203 Main, G0W 1C0
Director: Nian Matoush @ sabtuanadulted@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-334
Fax: 418 923-2270
James Bay Eeyou High School
Delegate: Chris Robertson
Assistant Delegate: Andrew Davidson-Maxwell
11 Maamuu, J0M 1E0
Community Education Administrator: Charles Bobbish
Fax: 819 855-2534
School Principal: Brian Dioszeghy @ brian.dioszeghy@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 855-2833
School Vice-Principal: Judy DeschĂŞnes @ jdeschenes@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 855-2833
Fax: 819 855-2534
Waapinichikush Elementary School
Delegate: John Redmond
Assistant Delegate:Mohammed Rdhaifi
507 Wiishkichaansh, J0M 1E0
School Principal : Evelyn Duff-Ratt @
Phone: 819 855-2833
Mobile: 514 705-0516
Sabtuan Adult Education Services
11 Maamuu, J0M 1E0
Wabannutao-Eeyou School
Delegate: Rowan Dischleit
Assistant Delegate: Josey Elsbery
124 Shabow, J0M 1W0
Community Education Administrator: Margaret Cheezo
Fax: 819 977-0277
School Principal: Sarah Mark-Stewart @ smarkstewart@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 977-0244
Fax: 819 977-0277
School Vice-Principal: Brenda V. Cheezo @ bgcheezo@gmail.com
Sabtuan Adult Education Services
124 Shabow, J0M 1W0
Luke Mettawescum School
Delegate: Anna Banna
Assistant Delegate: Henriette Burger
61 Lakeshore, J0Y 3B0
Community Education Administrator: Brenda Rose Wapachee
School Principal: David Lee @ david.lee@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 673-2536 #8230
School Vice-Principal: Lauren Dunlop @ lauren.dunlop@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 673-2536 #8262
Fax: 819 673-2543
Éducation des adultes
Director: Pierre Demers
Phone: 819 673-2228
Fax: 819 673-2229
Waapihtiiwewan School
Delegate: Alexandra Williams
Assistant Delegate: Supreet Kaur
200 Opemiska, G0W 3C0
Community Education Administrator: Rachel Bush
Fax: 418 745-2652
School Principal: Sonam Dekhang @ sdekhang@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 745-2542 #7230
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 418 745-2542
Fax: 418Â 745-2652
Sabtuan Adult Education Services
19 Opataka Meskino, G0W 3C0
Wiinibekuu High School
Delegate: Rajat Kaura
Assistant Delegate: Ahmed Benabdallah
31 Smokey Hill, J0M 1R0
Community Education Administrator: Sarah Diamond
Phone: 819 895-8819
Fax: 819 895-8906
School Principal: Lisa Jerome @ lisa.jerome@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 895-8819
Fax: 819Â 895-8906
School Vice-Principal: Mary-Ann Katapatuk @ makatapatuk@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 895-8819 #5233
Fax: 819 895-8906
Annie Whiskeychan Memorial Elementary School
Delegate: Sarah Adams
1 Taaktachun , J0M 1R0
School Principal: Hannah Moses @ hannah.moses@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 895-8819 ou 8952
Fax: 819 895-2111
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Sabtuan Adult Education Services
Delegate: Linda Thibault
31 Smokey Hill, J0M 1R0
Phone: 819 895-8819, #329
Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Center
1 Elder David Neeposh, J0Y 3C0
Center Director : Réjean Gascon
Phone: 819 753-4040
Fax: 819 753-2640
Toll free: 866-921-4040
Willie J. Happyjack Memorial High School
Delegate: Scott Jenkins
Assistant Delegate: Jade Adams
1 Birch, J0Y 3C0
Community Education Administrator: Bobby Gull (interim)
@ bgull@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 753-2315 #3233
Fax: 819 753-2793
School Principal (interim): Paul Starnino @ paul.starnino@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 753-2583
Fax: 819 753-2793
School Vice-Principal (interim) : Jade Adams jade.adams@cscree.qc.ca
Rainbow Elementary School
Pre-K School Jolina Gull-Blacksmith
2 Chief Peter John Gull, J0Y 3C0
School Principal: Debra Gobine @ dgobine@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 753-2583 poste 3427
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Badabin Eeyou School
Delegate: Stephanie Bernard-Roy
Assistant Delegate: Stevie Kew
514 Whapmakw, J0M 1G0
Community Education Administrator: Rachel Kawapit
Fax: 819 929-3548
School Principal (interim): Nicole Bissonnette @ nicole.bissonnette@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 929-3428
Fax: 819 929-3548
Sabtuan Adult Education Services
514 Whapmakw J0M 1G0
Maquatua Eeyou High School
Delegate: Mario Boisselle
Assistant Delegate: Daniel McCarthy
PO Box 180, 7 Maquatua, J0M 1L0
Community Education Administrator: Lee-Ann Gilpin
School Principal: Patrick Chase Ritskes @ patrick_chaseritskes@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 978-0270
Fax: 819 978-0246
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Joy Ottereyes Rainbow Memorial Elementary School
Delegate: Samuel Robertson
Assistant Delegate: Andrew Gibson
39 Maquatua, J0M 1L0
Community Education Administrator: Lee-Ann Gilpin
School Principal: Patrick Chase Ritskes @ patrick_chaseritskes@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 978-0270
Fax: 819 978-0246
School Vice-Principals: Ingrid Taylor @ itaylor@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 978-3388 #4423
Tiffany Fudge @ tfudge@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 978-3388 #4424
Sabtuan Adult Education Services
PO Box 180, 7 Maquatua, J0M 1L0
Voyageur Memorial Elementary School
Delegate: Sabastian Petawabano
Assistant Delegate: Myles Mianscum (assistant délégué)
227 Amisk, G0W 1C0
Community Education Administrator: Alice Petawabano
Fax: 418 923-3302
School Principal: Ashley Mann-MacPherson @ amann@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2039 poste 1331 (salle des profs x350)
School Vice-Principals: Alana Norquay @ anorquay@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2039 #1413
Fax: 418 923-3959
Jacqueline Queen@ jqueen@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2039 #1413
Voyageur Memorial High School
Delegate: Robbie Gunner
Assistant Delegate: Sonia Shecapio
232, rue Mistissini, G0W 1C0
Community Education Administrator: Brenda Rose Wapachee
@ brwapachee@cscree.qc.ca
School Principal: Betty-Ann Forward @ baforward@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-3485 #1312
Fax: 418 923-3302
School Vice-Principal: Joanie Laplante @ joanie.laplante@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-3485 #1306
Fax: 418 923-3485
Sabtuan Learning Center
Delegate: Destiny Petawabano
4 Cheno-U-Meskinam, G0W 1C0
Centre Director: Jinke Huang @ jhuang@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-3347
Fax: 418 923-3016
Head Office
Delegate: Robyn Diamond
203 Main, G0W 1C0
School Vice-Principal: Yves Martineau @ ymartineau@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 923-2764
Fax: 418 923-3838
Education Services and Adult Education
Delegate: Charlotte Kanatewat
Assistant Delegate: Sandra Webb
11 Maamuu, J0M 1E0
Phone – Educational Services: 819 855-2230
Fax – Educational Services: 819 855-2519
Fax – Adult Education: 819 855-2944/2177
Instructional Services Coordinator : Edith Sam
Jame Bay Eeyou High School
Delegate: Jean McKee
Assistant Delegate: Ricky Angatookaluk
11 Maamuu, J0M 1E0
Community Education Administrator: Charles Bobbish
Fax: 819 855-2534
School Principal: Brian Dioszeghy @ brian.dioszeghy@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 855-2833
School Vice-Principal: Judy DeschĂŞnes @ jdeschenes@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 855-2833
Fax: 819 855-2534
Waapinichikush Elementary School
Delegate: Paul Washipabano
Assistant Delegate: Hakima Mezlane
507 Wiishkichaansh, J0M 1E0
School Principal: Suzie Gaudet @ suzie.gaudet@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 855-2833
Fax: 819Â 855-2900
IT Services Coordinator: Wilby HĂ©rard @ itmanagers@cscree.qc.ca
EASTMAIN – Wabannutao-Eeyou School
Delegate: Bessie Tomatuk
Assistant Delegate: Kylene Gilpin
124 Shabow, J0M 1W0
Community Education Administrator: Margaret Cheezo
Fax: 819 977-0277
School Principal: Sarah Mark-Stewart @ smarkstewart@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 977-0244
Fax: 819 977-0277
School Vice-Principal: Brenda V. Cheezo @ bgcheezo@gmail.com
Luke Mettawescum School
Delegate: LeeAnn Neeposh
61 Lakeshore, J0Y 3B0
Community Education Administrator: Brenda Rose Wapachee
School Principal: David Lee @ david.lee@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 673-2536 #8230
School Vice-Principal: Lauren Dunlop @ lauren.dunlop@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 673-2536 #8262
Fax: 819 673-2543
Adul Education
Phone: 819 673-2228
Fax: 819 673-2229
OUJÉ-BOUGOUMOU – Waapihtiiwewan School
Delegate: Steve Bérubé
Assistant Delegate: Glenn Polson
200 Opemiska, G0W 3C0
Community Education Administrator: Rachel Bush
Fax: 418 745-2652
School Principal: Sonam Dekhang @ sdekhang@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 418 745-2542 #7230
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Phone: 418 745-2542
Fax: 418Â 745-2652
Wiinibekuu High School
Delegate: Jimmy Jacob
Assistant Delegate: Paulette Diamond
31 Smokey Hill, J0M 1R0
Community Education Administrator: Sarah Diamond
Phone: 819 895-8819
Fax: 819 895-8906
School Principal: Lisa Jerome @ lisa.jerome@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 895-8819
Fax: 819Â 895-8906
School Vice-Principal: Mary-Ann Katapatuk @ makatapatuk@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 895-8819 #5233
Fax: 819 895-8906
Annie Whiskeychan Memorial Elementary School
Delegate: Betsy Loon
Assistant Delegate: Claire Gilpin
1 Taaktachun , J0M 1R0
School Principal: Hannah Moses @ hannah.moses@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 895-8819 ou 8952
Fax: 819 895-2111
School Vice-Principal: Vacant
Adult Education
31 Smokey Hill, J0M 1R0
Phone: 819 895-8819, #329
Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Center
Delegate: Ken Whiteduck
1 Elder David Neeposh, J0Y 3C0
Centre Director: RĂ©jean Gascon
Phone: 819 753-4040
Fax: 819 753-2640
Toll free: 866-921-4040
Willie J. Happyjack Memorial High School
Delegate: Harriette Ottereyes
1 Birch, J0Y 3C0
Community Education Administrator: Bobby Gull (par intérim)
@ bgull@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 753-2315 #3233
Fax: 819753-2793
School Principal (interim): Paul Starnino @ paul.starnino@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 753-2583
Fax: 819 753-2793
School Vice-Principal (interim): Jade Adams jade.adams@cscree.qc.ca
Rainbow Shcool
Pre-K School Jolina Gull-Blacksmith
Delegate: Julianne Mark
Assistant Delegate: Adamie Mathias
2 Chief Peter John Gull, J0Y 3C0
School Principal: Debra Gobine @ dgobine@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 753-2583 poste 3427
School Vice-Principal: Eleonora Cayer @ ecayer@cscree.qc.ca
Phone:819 753-2583 #3241
WHAPMAGOOSTUI – Badabin Eeyou School
Delegate: Susie Rupert
Assistant Delegate: Shirley Sandy
514 Whapmakw, J0M 1G0
Community Education Administrator: Rachel Kawapit
Fax: 819 929-3548
School Principal (interim): Nicole Bissonnette @ nicole.bissonnette@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 929-3428
Fax: 819 929-3548
Administrative Center
Delegate: Angelina Kakabat
Assistant Delegate: Julianna Visitor
Community Education Administrator: Lee-Ann Gilpin
Maquatua Eeyou High School
Joy Ottereyes Rainbow Memorial Elementary School
Delegate: Natalie Linklater
Assistant Delegate: Frederick Georgekish
39 Maquatua, J0M 1L0
Community Education Administrator: Lee-Ann Gilpin
School Principal: Patrick Chase Ritskes @ patrick_chaseritskes@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819 978-0270
Fax: 819 978-0246
School Vice-Principals: Ingrid Taylor @ itaylor@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 978-3388 #4423
Tiffany Fudge @ tfudge@cscree.qc.ca
Phone: 819Â 978-3388 #4424
Delegate: Sabrina Jolly
200 Montcalm, Suite R-9, Gatineau, J8Y 3B5
Director (interim): François Bobbish @ fbobbish@cscree.qc.ca
Fax: 514-846-1266
1440 Ste-Catherine West, Suite 400, Montréal, H3G 1R8
Phone: 514 846-1155
Fax: 514 846-1266
Toll free: 1-800-463-7402
Director (interim): François Bobbish @ fbobbish@cscree.qc.ca
CPE She She Guin
Delegate: Sheena Meskino
10 Lakeshore Road, J0Y 3B0
Director: Lina Trapper
Phone: 819 673-2232
Fax: 819Â 763-2224
CPE Waspshooyan
Delegate: Lorraine Joly
Assistant Delegate: Kelly Papatens King
15 Wastawshkootaw Meskino, G0W 3C0
Director: Sherry-Ann Sheshamush
Phone : 418 745-2526
Fax: 418Â 745-3841
Mikisiw School
Delegate: Mario Mercier
Assistant Delegate: Annie Chachai
92 Tcikatnaw, G0W 3B0
Phone: 819 974-1221
Fax: 819 974-1224
School Principal: Nick Coudé @ ncoude@edu.opitciwan.ca
Nikanik High School
Delegate: Catherine Falgueyret
Assistant Delegate: Leonard Weizineau
20 Waratinak, G0X 3R0
School Principal: Pascal Sasseville
Phone: (819) 666-2232
AENQ Committees
This committee is composed ofthe President and one aboriginal person per sector according to the nation concerned.
The SWC-AENQ has a vigilant role in making the issue of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal women a constant concern in all aspects of the life of the AENQ. In this sense, the SWC-AENQ:
The YC-AENQ has a vigilant role in making the issues of young people a constant concern in all aspects of the life of the AENQ.In this sense, the YC-AENQ:
Daniel Charest, KSB-Teachers sector director (E4), ACTES CSQ committee member
Sector Director S9 : TBD
Marie-Julie Laniel-Corriveau, CSB-Teacher Sector Director (E3) (Ă partir du 1 juillet 2022)
Paul Washipabano, Sector Director S8
Rencontre comité ACTES du 7 novembre 2021 (en français seulement)
PrĂ©sentation semaine nationale EVB – 2019 (En français seulement)
Joint committees
Kativik Joint Committees
Daniel Charest, KSB-Teachers sector director (E4)
Kathleen Erickson, Kangiqsualujjuaq, Teacher
Aftab Ahmed Khan, Inukjuak (in election on October 9), KSB Support Staff  (S9)
Peter Thomas, professional
Erik Olsthoorn – Director of School Operations
Tunu Napartuk – Director, Complementary Services
Marcel Duplessis – HR Director
Jasmine John – Assistant Director – Complementary Services
Daniel Charest, KSB-Teachers sector director (E4)
Alexander Foreman, Teacher, Kangiqsualujjuaq
Nicolas Gauthier, Teacher, Kuujjuaq
Erik Olsthoorn – Directeur SO
Mark Brazeau – School Administrator
Samantha Doig, HR Director
Quppia Kaitak, School Director, Pigiurvik, Salluit
Coordination : Daniel Charest, KSB KSB-Teachers sector director (E4)
Regional Manager FGA : Zenaida Elena Vrabie, Salluit
Directeur ( interim), EDA/AdEd : Mamadou Diop
Assistant Director : EDA/AdEd : Vacant
To come
CREE Joint Committees
There was no EHDAA committee this year.
Luc Lefebvre
Wiinibekuu School
Shanmon Henry
Mettawescum School
Frankie Vallée
Sabtuan Adult Education
Marie-Julie Laniel-Corriveau
Annie Whiskeychan MĂ©morial School
To come
Cree School Board | 2020-2023
Collective agreement – Teachers (E3)
Collective agreement – Support Staff (S8)
Teachers (E3)
National Indigenous Peoples Day
E3: Travelling time (Bank of sick days)
E3: Special Education Committee
E3: Compensation for exceeding the maximum number of students
E3: Annual outings for medical reasons
E3: Transfer of info to AdEd+VC
Summer pay for teacher in preventive leave (French only)
School Support Staff (S8)
S8: Travelling time (Bank of sick days)
Classification of Handicaped student attendants
S8: Benefits for Crees in Montreal and Gatineau
S8: Trial period (Application of 1-2.22 and 6-1.06)
Kativik School Board | 2020-2023
Collective agreement – Teachers (E4) 2020-2023
Collective agreement – Support Staff (S9) 2020-2023
Teaching staff (E4)
E4: Distribution of teachers (French only)
E4+S9: National Aboriginal Peoples Day (French only)
E4+S9: Sick leaves for appointments (French only)
E4:Â EHDAA Committee (French only)
E4+S9: Tax receipts – outings for medical reasons (French only)
E4: Attraction and retention premium (French only)
Summer pay for teachers on preventative leave (French only)
Housing Taxation agreement with Revenu Quebec
Agreement on the cultural calendar (French only)
E4+S9: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (French only)
E4: Disability provisions (French only)
E4: Grievance withdrawals (French only)
E4: Class Composition Support (French only)
E4: Administrative Measures (French only)
E4: Pilot Project Consensus Panel (French only)
School support staff (S9)
E4+S9: sick leaves for appointments (French only)
E4 – S9 Tax receipts – outings for medical reasons (French only)
E4+S9: National Aboriginal Peoples Day (French only)
E4+S9: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (French only)
Collective agreement – Nikanik School (Wemotaci)
(In French only)
Collective agreement -Mikisiw School(Opitciwan)
(In French only)
Importante Dates
Teacher’s workload
School Council Consultation Items
Importante Dates
Teacher’s workload
School Council Consultation Items
01 General Assemblies
02 Accuracy of information
03 Sector Council and Formation (TO COME)
04 Coordination and teamwork
05 Election of Delegates, School Council Members and ACTS Leader (TO COME)
06 Inquiry
07 Professional improvement funds
08 Grievance and arbitration
09 Legal qualification (To come)
10 Acronyms list
11 Chronological list of tasks (TO COME)
12 Housing (TO COME)
13 Communication procedure AENQ
14 Communication procedure-CPE (TO COME)
15 Disciplinary meetings
16 Representing all the members (TO COME)
17 The role of the delegate
18 Policy on participation and reimbursement for union activities and affairs
For the health and safety committees
Pamphlet 6B Work place health and safety committees
Hazardous occurrence investigation recording and reporting
Forms Union Activities
Union Membership
Union Activities – Logistic Form (xls)
Union Delegates Election Form
Reimbursement forms
Reimbursement of expenses incurred while attending a union activity (xls)
Reimbursement of administrative expenses (xls)
Babysitting Fees
Babysitting Fees (xls)
Reimbursement of accomodation expenses
Reimbursement of accomodation expenses (xls)
Reimbursement of phone expenses (xls)
Working conditions forms
Inquiry form (English to come)
Complaint Registration
Worker’s claim CNESST
Refusal to Work Registration
Accident or incident report form AENQ (to come)
For Local Committees
Hazardous occurrence investigation recording and reporting
Workplace Investigation report on Refusal to Work
Campaign material
For social media networks
To be published without hesitation!
From the North – photo and video gallery
Please feel free to contact us with any question and suggestions,
or for further information and guidance.
Telephone: 514 356-8888, extension 2801
Toll-Free: 1-800-465-0897
Email : aenq@lacsq.org
The offices are located at the head office of La Centrale (CSQ)
Association of employees of Northern Quebec
9405, Sherbrooke street East
Montreal, H1L 6P3
Fax : 514 354-8714
You can send us a message, documents, photos or videos (less than 10 MB) using this contact form.
To send us photos or videos larger than 10 MB, please send your files to aenq@lacsq.org using the free file transfer service Wetransfer